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Dashboard needs vary according to the size of the company, the field of activity, and the business objectives sought. The level of maturity and experience of the internal teams will also determine the type of path best suited to the organization’s profile.


SecureEcom offers a complete program providing training on the tools, trends and practices for qualifying and selecting the most pertinent metrics (KPIs) and for generating and distributing dashboards.
SecureEcom has a team of experienced coaches ready for companies that wish to support their process with proven expertise. In this way, companies can be sure to optimize the work, accelerate the process of qualifying and selecting metrics (KPIs), and optimize dashboard design and their distribution to the organization’s different hierarchical levels.
Full access to all configuration functions using the menus, templates and categories included in INDIK’s knowledge database and library of templates.
The Wizard mode is unique and ultra-powerful. The objects are manipulated in the background, automatically. Your dashboard takes shape in just a few quick and simple steps!

Whichever path you choose, SecureEcom ensures a rigorous process through its QUALIF methodology and a high-performance dashboard generator, INDIK.

At all times, our experts are in a position to demonstrate the value of their experience and know-how. You can therefore count on dashboards that will support your decision-making and lead to rapid action, in alignment with your business objectives.